Yogis Uncovered | Meet Yasmin

smiling naked woman looking at camera with the text Yogis Uncovered Meet Yasmin

In this edition of Yogis Uncovered, we finally got to sit down with one of our long-time True Naked Yogis, Yasmin! You may recognize her from her programs such as HIIT Yoga Fusion and Yoga for Strong Arms. Get to know more about this Cuban born model and learn why she started her yoga practice in her full interview.

…doing yoga naked is a true expression of art. When you accept yourself and you love yourself, you become comfortable with who you are and whatever state you’re in.
— Yasmin
woman doing dumbbell squats naked outside with Miami skyline

Hi, I’m Yasmin, but you might know me by @yasminsarte on Instagram.

Where are you from?

I am from Cuba.

What’s a funny or interesting story from when you were growing up?

naked woman looking over shoulder smiling

I grew up in Cuba in a very small town in the countryside. My family was very poor like most Cubans and I would ride my bike to school down and back about four times a day. So, I would guess I was very fit back then.

How long have you been doing yoga?

I’ve been doing yoga for the last six years. I got into it because I was injured and it was my way to find healing for my body.

What do you like about doing yoga naked?

I’m very comfortable in my own skin and I believe there is such an art of expressing your body and I believe that doing yoga naked is a true expression of art. Being naked for me is not a big deal. It’s something natural.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

Let’s say Shavasana!

Why do you practice yoga and other forms of self-care?

I love taking care of my body. I love taking care of myself. I put myself before anything else. So taking care of my body is the first thing for me.

What are some of the benefits of yoga that you’ve experienced?

There are many, many emotional and mental benefits to practicing yoga. For me, I believe the most important one is to be connected with myself.

What has yoga taught you?

camera crew outside for a naked fitness shoot

Yoga has taught me to slow down, and maybe to have a little bit of patience which I work on every day.

What advice would you give your younger self?

I guess I would advise myself to just take things slowly and not to rush through life.

How did you become so comfortable being naked?

back of a naked woman sitting outside

When you accept yourself and you love yourself, you become comfortable with who you are and whatever state you’re in.

What’s your favorite food?

Oh my god, my favorite food is all foods. I’m a foodie so I eat pretty much everything. If I have to choose one, Asian food would be the one.

What’s your favorite movie or what shows have you been watching lately?

The latest show that I binged was with Sofia Vergara on Netflix, Griselda.

And are you more of a homebody or do you prefer going out?

Definitely a homebody. I love being at home with my family.

Where can we follow you online?

You guys can find out more about me through Instagram, @yasminsarte. I also have a website under the same name and I am on TikTok and all social media across the board.


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity