What is Naked Yoga?

Self-discovery and growth begins with embracing vulnerability.

Here you’ll find everything you need to know about this ancient and empowering practice, from its history, present day expressions, and how to start your own naked yoga journey.

We sat down with our head yoga instructor Jannica Klingborg to talk about all things naked yoga. Watch the full video for her expertise and tips on how to incorporate it into your life!

What is Naked Yoga?

woman embracing her naked body sitting outside

Naked Yoga, also known as Nagna Yoga in Sanskrit, is an ancient form of yoga that is exactly what it sounds like: the practice of doing yoga without clothes! Naked Yoga represents an alternative and liberating way to explore the physical and mental benefits of yoga, encouraging practitioners to celebrate their bodies and embrace a holistic approach to well-being.

What are the origins of naked yoga?

Naked yoga originated as a spiritual practice in ancient India, most likely as part of wider philosophies of renunciation, or the ‘abandonment of material comforts’, which many dharmic religions in the region adopted at the time. It came to the West largely through the hippie community in the 1960s as people were increasingly adopting more liberal attitudes towards nudity, sexuality, and gender roles. In Sanskrit we say, “Yogas citta vritti nirodhah”, which means “Yoga is the mastery of the modification of your mind”. The wider practice of yoga itself was born out of the spiritual practice of meditation. The asanas, or poses, of yoga came later as a way to strengthen the body and to increase flexibility so that one could sit longer in meditation.

What are the benefits of naked yoga?

Through the consistent practice of naked yoga, one can experience true freedom in the body, mind, and spirit. The practice teaches you how to connect with and fully accept your body as it is, leading to a higher sense of self-love and confidence. The meditation and breath work involved in the practice increases mindfulness and thereby reduces stress and other negative emotions. Naked yoga is not just a physical practice but also a mental practice, creating perfect harmony in the body and mind. There are many additional widely reported benefits from naked yoga practitioners.

But why naked?

woman practicing yoga poolside with back to us

Practitioners of naked yoga report that by spending more time in the nude while simultaneously partaking in an empowering physical activity such as yoga they become more accepting and appreciative of their bodies exactly as they are. By removing the physical barriers of clothing you become more aware of your body and how it serves you, regardless of your age, shape, or yoga skill level. Over time, this can lead to a greater sense of self love and body positivity, which has profound positive impacts on your mental health and overall wellbeing.

Is naked yoga pornography?

Naked yoga is not intended to be pornographic, but instead is a safe space for people to explore nonsexual nudity. While nudity is our most natural state as human beings, it has unfortunately become associated mostly with sex and porn in today’s world. There are very few outlets online or in the real world where people can explore non-sexual nudity outside of their own homes, especially in the US where nude beaches and resorts are less common than in places like Europe. At True Naked Yoga our goal is to focus on solid yoga practice so that the nudity becomes secondary and more normalized.

How does yoga improve your sex life?

While the practice itself isn’t inherently sexual, there are many reported sexual benefits to naked yoga and yoga in general. Movement creates energy, so by moving and stretching your body in various ways as in yoga asanas, you increase energy within your body, thereby increasing your sexual energy. Yoga also helps to strengthen the core muscles and increase blood flow around your pelvis area, which helps to heighten pleasure and endurance during sexual activity. And as mentioned, naked yoga helps to boost your self-esteem, so by loving yourself you can become a more confident and passionate lover.

Who is naked yoga for?

Many would think that the obvious answer would be nudists, but truly anyone can do naked yoga. If you're looking to boost your self-esteem, release shame around your body, or simply get healthier in your body and mind, naked yoga is an excellent way to do that.

Where can I do naked yoga?

If you’re lucky enough to live in one of the handful of countries where in-person naked yoga classes are available, you may wish to try it out in a group setting. But if you’re a beginner or not quite comfortable being nude around strangers just yet, we recommend starting online and in the comfort of your own home. It’s simple: check out our full library of naked yoga videos, workouts, and meditations to start your personal naked yoga journey today!

We’ll see you on the mat.
