Standing Split Pose

Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana


Standing Split Pose uniquely emphasizes hamstring flexibility and balance without gravity assistance. It engages muscles to lift one leg skyward, deepening the stretch and enhancing overall strength, making it a dynamic addition to your yoga practice.

Standing Split Pose or Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana is a dynamic yoga posture renowned for its emphasis on hamstring flexibility and balance. Unlike front splits assisted by gravity, Standing Split, sometimes referred to as True Split, relies solely on the power of your muscles to lift one leg skyward while standing. This unique feature enhances the pose’s effectiveness in deepening the stretch in the hamstrings and calves, thus improving flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, Standing Split engages the core muscles for stability and strengthens the legs, fostering overall balance and coordination.

An intriguing aspect of this pose is its invigorating effect on both body and mind, often serving as a seamless transition between standing poses and inversions in yoga sequences. Incorporating Standing Split into your practice not only nurtures physical strength and flexibility but also cultivates mental focus and presence on the mat.

Standing Split Pose Steps

naked woman practicing standing splits outside

Step 1

Starting Position: Begin standing tall at the top of your mat in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), with your feet hip-width apart and arms by your sides.

Step 2

Forward Fold: Exhale as you hinge at your hips and fold forward from the waist, bringing your torso toward your thighs. Keep your spine long and your neck relaxed.

Step 3

Lift One Leg: Shift your weight onto your left foot and begin to lift your right leg straight up behind you. Keep the hips square and the toes pointing down toward the mat.

nude woman in true split on yoga mat

Step 4

Hands on the Floor: Place your hands on the mat on either side of your standing foot for support. Keep the fingertips firmly grounded and the arms straight.

Step 5

Extend the Leg: With control, continue to lift your right leg higher, aiming to bring it parallel to the floor or as high as your flexibility allows. Keep the hips level and the standing leg strong.

Step 6

Hold and Breathe: Hold the pose for a few breaths, focusing on lengthening through the lifted leg and maintaining stability through the standing leg. To release, lower the lifted leg back down to meet the standing leg and come back to a forward fold. Repeat on the other side.

Practice Standing Split Pose mindfully, paying attention to your breath and alignment. Over time, you can work on increasing the height of your lifted leg or grab your calf or ankle with one hand.


  1. Use Props: Place yoga blocks or a chair in front of you for support. Rest your hands on the props while lifting your leg to reduce the intensity of the stretch and maintain balance.

  2. Bend the Standing Leg: If reaching the floor with your hands is challenging, bend the knee of your standing leg slightly. This modification can help stabilize the pose and make it more accessible.

  3. Lower the Lifted Leg: Instead of aiming for a full split, keep the lifted leg at a height that feels comfortable for you. Gradually work on increasing the height as your flexibility improves.

  4. Practice Against a Wall: Stand facing a wall and place your hands on the wall for support as you lift your leg. This can provide additional stability and help you focus on proper alignment.


• Improves Hamstring Flexibility

• Strengthens Legs

• Enhances Balance

• Activates Core

• Increases Focus


• Hamstring Strain

• Low Back Pain

• Balance Issues

• High Blood Pressure

• Recent Leg Injury

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