Knees to Chest Pose


naked woman in knees to chest pose doing yoga

Knees to Chest Pose or Wind Relieving Pose is an accessible yoga posture that relieves lower back tension, aids digestion, and brings a sense of balance to your practice.

Knees to Chest Pose or Apanasana in Sanskrit is a comforting restorative yoga posture. This gentle asana is known for its benefits in relieving lower back tension and stretching the spine. It also provides a gentle massage to the abdominal organs, aiding digestion, releasing tension in the pelvic region as well alleviating bloating and discomfort. In traditional yoga philosophy, it is believed to help balance the flow of energy in the body. Incorporating Knees to Chest Pose into your practice provides a comforting and grounding experience, contributing to both physical and mental well-being.

Knees to Chest Pose Steps

Woman in knees to chest pose practicing naked yoga outside

Step 1

Starting Position: Begin by lying on your back on a yoga mat. Extend your legs comfortably and keep your arms by your sides with palms facing down.

Step 2

Bend Your Knees: Gently bring your knees toward your chest. You can use your hands to hold onto your shins, just below the knees.

Step 3

Hug Your Knees: Wrap your arms around your bent knees, clasping your hands or wrists. Keep your elbows close to your sides.

Step 4

Relax the Shoulders: Ensure your shoulders are relaxed and pressed against the mat. You can gently rock side to side or forward and backward to massage your lower back.

Step 5

Hold and Breathe: Hold the pose for several breaths, allowing your spine to gently stretch and your lower back to relax. Release the pose by extending your legs back to the mat when ready.

Remember to breathe deeply throughout the pose, and listen to your body, adjusting the intensity as needed to suit your comfort level.


  1. Use a Strap: If reaching your hands to clasp your shins is challenging, loop a yoga strap around your legs and hold onto the ends for assistance.

  2. Knees Apart: For individuals with tight hips, you can bring your knees towards your chest with your thighs apart, allowing for a gentler hip stretch.

  3. Bolster Support: Placing a bolster or cushion under your lower back can provide support and comfort, especially for those with lower back issues.


• Lower Back Relief

• Digestive Aid

• Spine Stretch

• Hip Release

• Mindful Relaxation


• Recent Abdominal Surgery

• Advanced Pregnancy

• Severe Back Injury

• Herniated Disc

• Recent Injury

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