Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Woman doing half lord of the fishes pose outside

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose aka Ardha Matsyendrasana is an intermediate seated spinal twist that is both restorative and energizing.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose aka Ardha Matsyendrasana is an intermediate seated spinal twist that is both restorative and energizing. It may look simple but it takes some strength and flexibility to keep a long spine while twisting in the torso, hips, and neck. By twisting the entire body this pose stimulates digestion and relieves stress.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Steps

Naked woman doing half lord of the fishes pose outside

Step 1

Begin in Sukhasana, a cross-legged seated position. Find length in the spine and ground down through the sit bones.

Step 2

Stack your right knee over the left and bring your heels next to your hips. If your hips are tight, just reach your heels as close to your hips as you can.

Step 3

Place the sole of your right foot on the mat so that your right knee is pointing towards the sky.

Step 4

Place your right palm or fingertips down on the ground outside of your right hip. On an inhale, reach your left arm up towards the sky and ground down evenly through both sitbones, finding length in your spine.

Step 5

On the exhale, start to twist your torso to the right and bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee, palm facing forward and fingertips pointing towards the sky. Bring your right hand down behind you on the mat and and gaze softly over your right shoulder, making sure not to overextend your neck

Step 6

On an inhale, find more length in the spine. On the exhale, see if you can twist a little bit deeper. Make sure to keep both sit bones grounded and create some resistance with your left elbow by pressing it into your right knee.

Step 7

On an inhale, reach both arms up and unwind your twist. Repeat on the other side.


  1. If your hips or knees are tight, try sitting on a yoga block or bolster for support.

  2. If this feels uncomfortable in your neck, just look forward or past your left hand.

  3. If your hips and knees feel uncomfortable in this pose, try the Gentle variation by keeping your left leg extended forward on the mat instead of bent.

  4. If this pose feels too intense, try a Simple Seated Twist. Instead of stacking your knees, find a comfortable cross legged seated position. Inhale, reach both arms up towards the sky and lengthen the spine. Exhale, twist to your right as you bring the left hand to the right knee and your right hand down on the ground behind you.


• Stretches the back, hips, shoulders, and neck.

• Stimulates digestion.

• Improves posture.


• Back, shoulder, neck, hip injuries or surgeries.

• Avoid if pregnant.

• May be uncomfortable during menstruation.

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