Upper Body Strength

Upper Body Strength


Prepare to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with our exhilarating “Upper Body Strength” playlist—a carefully curated collection of workout videos designed to target your arms, core, and overall upper body strength. In just 129 minutes, you’ll experience a transformative journey.

Press play and unleash the power within your arms, shoulders, and core. Whether you're looking to tone, define, or build strength, these videos offer a comprehensive approach to achieving a stronger and more resilient upper body. Get ready to feel the burn and embrace the challenge as you sculpt your way to upper body greatness.


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Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Total Length: 129 mins

Yoginis: Yasmin, Eila, Chloe, Mel

Prepare to sculpt and strengthen your upper body with our exhilarating “Upper Body Strength” playlist—a carefully curated collection of workout videos designed to target your arms, core, and overall upper body strength. In just 129 minutes, you’ll experience a transformative journey.

Press play and unleash the power within your arms, shoulders, and core. Whether you're looking to tone, define, or build strength, these videos offer a comprehensive approach to achieving a stronger and more resilient upper body. Get ready to feel the burn and embrace the challenge as you sculpt your way to upper body greatness.


Upper Body Strength Playlist:

1. Vinyasa for Strong Arms with Yasmin: (27 mins)

Begin your journey with Yasmin’s dynamic Vinyasa flow, specifically designed to tone and strengthen your arms. Flow through powerful sequences that challenge your upper body, leaving you feeling strong and empowered.

2. Full Body Weights Workout with Eila (11 mins)

Join Eila for a full-body workout that incorporates weights to maximize strength gains. Target your arms, shoulders, and back as you work through a series of dynamic exercises designed to sculpt and define your upper body.

3. Core Strengthening Planks with Chloe (16 mins)

Chloe guides you through a series of core-strengthening planks that not only target your abs but also engage your arms, shoulders, and back. Feel the burn as you build a solid foundation of strength from within.

4. HIIT Yoga Fusion with Yasmin (40 mins)

Yasmin returns with a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) yoga fusion that takes your upper body strength to the next level. Incorporating dynamic movements and challenging poses, this workout will leave you feeling energized and empowered.

5. HIIT Yoga Sculpt with Mel (34 mins)

Conclude your upper body strength journey with Mel’s HIIT yoga sculpt session. Combining yoga with strength training, this workout effectively targets your arms, shoulders, and upper body while also providing a cardiovascular boost.