Yogis Uncovered | Meet Ember

naked woman in ballerina pose with the text Yogis Uncovered Meet Ember

In this edition of Yogis Uncovered, we sit down with Ember who shares her journey as a professional dancer and aerialist living in Miami. She opens up about overcoming insecurities to embrace her true self, homebody tendencies that keep her grounded, and the transformative experience of practicing nude yoga.

…it helps me tap into my spirituality more to shed those materialistic layers, to be one with just my body and soul and the earth.
— Ember
smiling woman on a swing with Miami skyline in the background

Hello! My name is Ember Satori. I am from Kansas and I came to Miami to pursue my passion in performing arts. I am a professional dancer and aerialist.

When were you first introduced to yoga?

I’ve been doing yoga off and on for about 10 years. I originally got into yoga through performing. I started performing aerial and dance at different yoga festivals, so that exposed me to a lot of unique types of yoga. I even got to try martial arts mixed with yoga, ballet and yoga, and different types. I went to breathwork classes and it was really unique to go into a festival where there’s such a plethora of unique yoga classes.

What do you enjoy most about nude yoga?

naked woman in sphinx pose outside

I really enjoy doing yoga and stretching nude because it helps me tap into my spirituality more to shed those materialistic layers, to be one with just my body and soul and the earth. And being outside, I’m able to absorb more vitamin D. Also what I enjoy about it is allowing the yoga clothes to be off. They’re made out of plastic mostly so my skin can breathe better.

What’s your favorite yoga pose?

woman doing naked yoga in a straddle split

My favorite yoga pose is the goddess pose. I love to be able to stretch my hips out.

Why do you practice yoga and other forms of self-care?

I originally got into stretching as a kid and it just felt really natural, I just enjoyed doing it. I would find myself in a plow pose just hanging out. And so into my adult years, I wanted to enhance my abilities and grow in my flexibility. I would take classes to really refine and develop and even took contortion classes. I feel a huge sense of relief when I stretch. And when I don’t stretch, it’s really uncomfortable and actually kind of painful if I take too long off of it. So I feel like it’s my innate nature and a necessity for me.

How did you become so comfortable being naked?

naked woman in forward split

Well, I wasn’t always comfortable being naked and it took me a long time, doing more photo shoots and being around other people who are professional and comfortable with it. Working with photographers or videographers is more of a professional environment and so it felt like a safe place rather than being a subject of sexualization. It’s been nice to tap into that true self.

woman in standing split doing naked yoga with Miami skyline in background

What’s your favorite food?

Smoothies. I eat them every single day and I have since I was a kid and I never want to stop. Even when I go on vacation I make sure there’s a blender and I can make my own smoothies or on a road trip I’ll try to Yelp the best smoothie shops.

Are you more of a homebody or do you prefer going out?

I prefer to stay at home. I’m more of a homebody. I don’t really particularly like loud environments and I really like to create at home and cook and it’s just more peaceful.

Where can we follow you online?

If you would like to know more about me, I have a website, embersatori.com. I also have Instagram.


*this interview has been edited for brevity and clarity